Friday, January 20, 2017

First two weeks

Both classes started the trimester learning about different fields of science and talking about how scientists answer questions. I wanted to start the trimester with a fun experiment: we submerged eggs in different liquids and predicted what would happen. One of the liquids was pepsi, since we were interested in seeing how soda can affect our teeth, the other was vinegar and we used water as control.  The kids were very excited to see the results. 

Third and fourth graders started their structure/function unit by learning more about flowers. They learned that flowers are structures that help plants reproduce, and they had to find the ovary on a flower, open and find eggs. We looked at the eggs under the microscope and saw rows of them. : ) 
They also looked at the anthers and learned that pollen grains are structures that eventually lead to sperm development (they are microgametophytes). 

Fifth and sixth graders learned about atoms and molecules. They learned about atoms' structures and the fact that they can bond to form molecules. Kids used mini marshmallows to make models of different molecules

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