Saturday, January 18, 2014

New trimester

Owls - This trimester the owls will be studying energy flow in organisms.  We are starting this unit by studying what plants need to survive. This week we had a class discussion about the field by our school – the kids noticed that the field is really dry, and the plants are mostly dead due to the lack of rain. Next week, we will talk more about other things that plants need to grow – with a focus on soil and nutrients. Later in the trimester the owls will learn about decomposers, and producers.

Magpies – The magpies will have two exciting projects this trimester. During the first week of school, we started to talk about the vernal pool project. The kids will have a mini vernal pool in their classroom. We have been waiting (and hoping for) some rain! Vernal pools are perfect (and local) environments to illustrate examples of local adaptation. In addition to studying vernal pools, the kids will play an evolution game throughout the trimester that will help me address the concept of evolution in a fun and informative manner.

Crows – The crows have been busy finishing up their study of structures and functions. We started by finalizing the human body study – the kids had to put things together by making a life-size drawing of the human body and making connections between the different systems. After this, we focused on plants’ structures and functions. The kids learned how water moves through a plant (you should ask your child about the function of stomata), and saw xylem vessel members and guard cells under a compound microscope. The crows have also talked about how plants respond to their environment.
            During the next two weeks, the kids will be learning a little about cells. Afterwards, our focus will be on physical science – they will have fun learning about potential and kinetic energy.

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